These people are staff members of state agencies, other organizations, and concerned individuals. They are working toward identifying the source of the pollution and mitigating it. Select each person attending the meeting to learn more. Once you have heard from everyone in attendance, click on the Solution Tab to start the submission process.
Florida Department of Environmental Protection
South West Florida Water Management District
River Front Business Owner
Co-Tea River Tea Room Restaurant
Golf Course Owner
Cotee River Golf & Country Club
Home Owner
Site 3
Storm Water Rep
Pasco Storm Water Management Division
Cattle Rancher
Tee-River Cattle Ranch

My name is Clara Clearwater. I am a biologist for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Aquatic systems that are healthy typically have a variety of macro-invertebrates that fall into three categories. These are tolerant, moderately tolerant, and intolerant to pollution. Species that are intolerant are adversely affected by even the smallest amounts of pollution while tolerant species can handle even the most polluted waters.
One of the most significant chemical characteristics of water is the amount of dissolved oxygen, measured in parts per million. Typically this level is above 4ppm. Anything lower would result in a die-off of many river inhabitants. Dissolved oxygen levels are dependent upon water temperature, nutrient levels, like nitrates and phosphates, and water clarity or turbidity. Water color often has little to do with water quality.

Unlike the clear, cool waters of the Springs Coast Watershed's spring-fed rivers, the Pithlachascotee is a black-water stream that is more than 20 miles long and originates in the Crews Lake area of Pasco County. The dark color, common to many water bodies in Florida, comes from the tannic acids leaching out of the many leaves and trees that are found in and along the river. Along with the Anclote River, the locally nicknamed "Cotee" River crosses the Starkey Wilderness Park and meanders through Pasco County. It eventually makes its way out to the Gulf of Mexico at Miller's Bayou.
Because of its connection to the Gulf of Mexico, the Pithlachascotee River is tidally influenced. Development increases as you move closer to the salt water because many people want to live close to the Gulf of Mexico. As the number of businesses and houses along the bank of the river increases, the amount of natural character and vegetation decreases. Development along the banks of the river has also led to increased storm water discharge into the river and an increase in nitrate levels. In the past, these increased nitrate levels have been linked to leaky septic systems but could come from other sources. To find more about storm water discharge and nitrate levels, make sure to listen to the representative form Pasco’s Storm water Management Department

River Front Business Owner
My name is Marlene Riverside. I own the Co Tea River Tea Room Restaurant located in downtown Port Richey nestled right on the Cotee River. We have beautiful outside seating which is normally so booked that I have to take reservations weeks in advance. Now, All my customers are gone!
I know the river is exposed to a lot of pollution as it makes its way through the city and agricultural land along the banks. The golf courses build too close to the river banks, run their drain tiles directly into the river, and use way too much insecticide, herbicide and fertilizer, which pollute the water. The cattle ranchers pump too much water out of the river and then when it rains, their animal waste washes into the river. It’s no surprise to me that all the fish are dying. How can they survive in such polluted water? All I know is that no one is coming to my beautiful restaurant anymore because it smells like dead rotting fish and the river looks gross. Someone needs to repay me for all of my lost business.

Golf Course Owner
My name is Abe Greenly. I currently oversee the Cotee River Golf & Country Club. We have the greenest fairways and greens in all of Pasco County. To maintain them we water and fertilize almost daily to keep them looking healthy and playing fast. In fact, we were just asked by the PGA to use the course for a major tournament. My greens keepers have been working overtime to make sure the course is at its most beautiful. The river next to the course looks crystal clear and is full of plants and animals. If we were responsible wouldn’t the fish kill be right here? I think you might want to ask all those cattle ranchers along the river.

Home Owner
My name is Lisa Homerson. I live very close to the river, right next door to Starkey Wilderness Park. I love to visit the park and take my kids down to the River. We love to look at all the plants and animals that use the river. We haven’t seen any sign of this fish kill and the water appears to be very clean. It is still brownish in color but there are tons of plants and fish. We even see the occasional otter.

Storm Water Representative
Stormwater Management is responsible for ensuring that our stormwater runoff and discharges do not pollute the waters of the United States. Pasco County's storm drainage system is designed to carry stormwater runoff caused by rainfall. Stormwater is water produced by rain that becomes stormwater runoff as the water runs off the land. A major goal of the Division is to resolve existing stormwater runoff control problems and prevent new problems from occurring. Stormwater runoff problems can cause pollution of our water bodies, soil erosion and flooding. One of the greatest sources of water pollution is caused by polluted stormwater runoff and illicit discharges. Only rainwater is allowed in storm drains, everything else is considered an illicit discharge and is not allowed in any public drainage system.
Often it is difficult to locate the source of an illicit discharge, as the effects may not be seen until further down the system where it is able to mix with other inputs. There are two types of water based pollution sources. They are point source and non-point source pollution. Non-point source pollution, pollution that comes from multiple inputs (tending to be more cumulative) is hard to track down. On the other hand, point source pollution normally has a single input point that is traceable back to an owner. In most cases, point source polluters are fined for the illicit discharge and are required to prevent further pollution and mitigate the effects.

Cattle Rancher
My name is James Bull. I own the Tee-River Cattle Ranch. I am member of the Florida Natural Cattle Ranchers Association as are many of the ranch owners here in Pasco. As part of the requirements of membership, we must use sustainable cattle management practices including hormone free organic feed and water quality best management practices (BMPs) for our cattle ranch. We take pride in having little if any detrimental impact on the environment while still raising healthy beef. I do use water from the river to water my cattle but I have landscaped the property so that run-off from the pastures is absolutely minimized.
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Propose A Solution
Using the data you exported and the data your team members exported,work with your team to identify a cause and propose a solution that includes prevention, mitigation and fines if appropriate.
Once you’ve sampled all the sites and developed a possible solution, make sure you click the Clear Data button to reset the Field Notebook for the next researcher.
Directions for Field Work
Site Description
External Links
Directions for Field Work Click the video icon(s) to view actual footage of the sample site. Click boxes in the grid to collect water quality samples. Your data will automatically be recorded in your Field Notebook. You must take between 2 and 5 samples. As you sample, be sure to document any observations or pertinent characteristics of the site in the Additional Notes section of your Field Notebook. You can explore the land use for each site by clicking the Legend tab while at the site. Site 1: Crew’s Lake Park Welcome to Crew’s Lake. This is the beginning of Pithlachascotee River, a black-water river that flows through Pasco County. We shorten the name and refer to it as the Cotee River. The name is of Indian derivation meaning “Boat Building River” The whole word signifies the place where canoes were chopped or dug out. It is derived from the Creek pithlo (canoe), and chaskita (to chop out). All of the uplands East of here feed water to Crew’s lake and ultimately into the Cotee River which flows for over 23 miles to the south and west, flowing through Starkey Wilderness Park before turning northwest through downtown New Port Richey, entering the Gulf of Mexico at Miller's Bayou. This is a completely natural environment that has little to no impact from humans. The river here is broad and very shallow where many plants grow out of the water, almost like a flowing river of grass. It is not until further down river that it narrows and deepens to look more like a true river and the flow increases. Site 2: Cotee River Golf & Country Club Welcome to the Cotee River Golf & Country Club. This sprawling 100-acre course is nestled in between many luxurious homes. Because it is a deed-restricted community, residents are required to maintain their lawns and water twice a week. If lawns get too unsightly residents are fined and required to re-sod with only St. Augustine types of grasses making it one of the most beautiful golf communities in Pasco County. The golf course is an 18-hole professional golf course complete with practice putting greens and even a driving range. All of the holes border the majestic Cotee River. The river here is slightly deeper and narrower than at its head but not yet at its deepest. Water flow has increased but would be easy to paddle a canoe against. Site 3: Starkey Wilderness Park Welcome to Starkey Wilderness Park. This 19,000 acre wilderness preserve is also one of three well fields found within Pasco County. Here the river narrows and becomes quite shallow almost resembling a stream. Because this is a preserve, both sides of the river are bordered by deciduous forest and experience no human impact. The river depth is shallow the water flows fairly slowly. The Park allows cabin camping and tent camping. There is a large paved bike trail that traverses almost the entire 19,000 acres crossing much of the river’s flood plains. This is one of the natural jewels of Pasco County and home to diverse wildlife including bobcat and the Florida Black Bear. Site 4: James E Grey Preserve Welcome to James E Grey Preserve. The Preserve is named after James E. Grey, a Pasco County Pioneer that died in 1985. The 80 acre preserve encompassing the Pithlachascotee (Cotee) River is an oasis of old Florida Wilderness in the middle of suburban Pasco County. The park is the end of a Florida Canoe Trail that runs from Frances Park, 4.5 miles down river. At the trail head there is some parking, a pavilion, fishing dock and canoe put-in. On hot summer days, locals use this area as a swimming hole diving off the Oak Tree Branches that reach over the river. Like any other natural part of Florida, there are gators and water snakes that live in the tannic waters. The river is wider here but runs slow through many hairpin turns. Visitors can kayak through the canals of the neighboring housing and golf course communities, which has natural Florida ecosystems, hardwood hammock uplands and swamps. Site 5: Sims Park Welcome to Sims Park located in downtown New Port Richey on Main St. right along the river. If you're in the mood for a stroll along the Pithlachascotee River or want to throw a frisbee in the sun, Sims Park is worth a visit. Found directly downtown, near the U.S. 19 entrance to New Port Richey, Sims Park is community hub where you can find a holiday concert, play with a radio control helicopter or just sit on the grass or a bench. It also contains the Sims Park Boat Dock, a band shell and a playground. Many visitors are often seen fishing from the dock, while boaters pass by to nearby restaurants locate don the river. The river is almost at its widest here and flow has increased. Here the river even experiences tidal influences from the nearby Gulf of Mexico. The water is dark and brackish at this point and can be seen teeming with many fish and other river inhabitants.
The Biologist recommends these links: The Hydrologist recommends these links: The Golf Course Representative recommends this link: Golf Course BMP The Rancher recommends this link: BMP’s The Stormwater Representative recommends these links: |
Cotee River Watershed | Urban, Built-up | Water | |
Public Supply Wellfield | Agriculture | Wetlands | |
Major Roads | Rangeland | Barren Land | Miles![]() |
County Boundary | Upland Forests | Transportation, Communications, Utilities |
Cotee River, Crews Lake |
Cotee River Watershed | Urban, Built-up | Water | |
Public Supply Wellfield | Agriculture | Wetlands | |
Major Roads | Rangeland | Barren Land | Miles![]() |
County Boundary | Upland Forests | Transportation, Communications, Utilities |
Cotee River, Crews Lake |
Site 1 | Site 2 | Site 3 | Site 4 | Site 5 |
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ppm | ppm | ppm | meters |