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These people are staff members of state agencies, other organizations, and concerned individuals. They are working toward identifying the source of the pollution and mitigating it. Select each person attending the meeting to learn more. Once you have heard from everyone in attendance, click on the Solution Tab to start the submission process.

Florida Department of Environmental Protection

South West Florida Water Management District

River Front Business Owner
Co-Tea River Tea Room Restaurant

Golf Course Owner
Cotee River Golf & Country Club

Home Owner
Site 3

Storm Water Rep
Pasco Storm Water Management Division

Cattle Rancher
Tee-River Cattle Ranch

Export Data

Open your Field Notebook and select Export Data. When the Field Work Data window opens, you can send your data as an Email or copy your data to another application.

Propose A Solution

Using the data you exported and the data your team members exported,work with your team to identify a cause and propose a solution that includes prevention, mitigation and fines if appropriate.

Once you’ve sampled all the sites and developed a possible solution, make sure you click the Clear Data button to reset the Field Notebook for the next researcher.

Clear Data